Infidelity Investigation

Catch your Partner red handed with our best Infidelity Surveillance!

  • What are my options?

    Surveillance is the method used to discover if spouses are cheating on each other. It can involve husbands, wives, boyfriends, or girlfriends. Using surveillance, an investigator will follow the suspected cheater to document their activities without their knowledge. Give us a call at 620-212-9269 or contact us using the form below. One of our agents is standing by to assist you! 

  • Why hire a Private Investigator?

    There are a variety of reasons why investigating infidelity on your own might not be the best option. For one, it can be both emotionally and physically draining. A well-trained Private Investigator will find more information in less time and will remain emotionally detached. The validity of evidence is also more concrete when gathered by an investigator. While an upset spouse may capture pictures or video of their cheating spouse, this evidence may not be considered valid by a court of law. A Private Investigator is unbiased and knowledgeable about family law, therefore, their proof will stand up in court.

  • What does an Infidelity Investigation entail?

    Investigations will vary based on your needs and the Private Investigator conducting the investigation. Many times an investigation to catch a cheating spouse will include:

    • Discussion with the client - Before an investigator begins their pursuit of the truth, they gather as much information as possible about the spouse through the questioning process. Though it may be painful, the more information you share the more successful the investigation will be. For investigators, confidentiality and respect are standard.
    • Surveillance - A Private Investigator watches your spouse using advanced surveillance methods to ensure that you obtain the evidence you need. Some of these methods include tracking your spouse’s vehicle, searching their assets, and monitoring their internet activity.
    • Presentation of Evidence - Evidence gathered by a Professional Private Investigator not only gives you peace of mind via indisputable proof but will also stand up in court for potential divorce settlements.
  • What should I expect from an Infidelity Investigation?

    Investigations into cheating spouses can range from a couple of hours to several months. Regardless of the length of time, when you go to see a Private Investigator about a cheating spouse you will be treated with discretion and respect. The investigator will listen to your suspicions, take them seriously, and will ask you how you want the investigation to be shaped. You will remain in control of how the investigation proceeds and your Professional Investigator will investigate your spouse on your terms until you are completely satisfied. You will be able to get regular updates about the status of the investigation and only you will decide what to do with the information that is gathered.

    Some people seek help as soon as they feel some suspicion that their spouse is cheating. Knowing for certain is important to them before they confront their partner. Others know their spouse in unfaithful but want solid evidence. If worries about your spouse are affecting your relationship or causing you stress, speaking with a private investigator can help. 

  • Signs your Partner may be cheating

    The number one indication that your spouse or partner may be cheating is a sudden need for privacy. If your spouse or partner has always been a “private” person, even with you, this may not indicate an affair. However, if your spouse or partner was previously open with you, and suddenly is withdrawn and keeping things from you that he or she previously shared, this could indicate an affair.

    • Asks about your schedule more often than usual
    • Significantly less, or more, or different sex in your relationship
    • Periods where your significant other is unreachable
    • Cell phone bills contain calls with a long duration
    • Changing previously shared passwords and not sharing the new password
    • Clearing internet history every time the computer is used
    • Clothes smell of perfume or cologne
    • Creating new personal email addresses, or using a secret email address
    • Deleting call and text history
    • Deleting e-mail messages
    • Gets his / her laundry done independently
    • Has a second phone, especially one he or she didn’t tell you about
    • Has more cash on hand without accountability
    • Has unexplained receipts in wallet or purse
    • Leaving the room to take phone calls
    • Mileage on car is high yet he/she reports only short distance errands
    • Minimizing computer screens when you enter the room
    • Uses a phone card but never used one before
    • Password protecting phones or computers when they never did before
    • Unexplained payments on bank statements or credit card bills
    • Uses computer alone and secretly
    • Your partner is hostile toward you and your relationship

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Retainer Rate $130 $650 $1300
$65 Hourly Rate ✔ 2 Hours ✔ 10 Hours ✔ 20 Hours

*Mileage Fee of $0.55 per mile applies

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